Monday, February 28, 2011

     I love days like today. The grey saturated sky never fails to cast a mellow mood over me. Rainy/snowy days also always promise an extra 30 minutes of sleep in the morning- fooling our little ones into lengthening their dreams and drooling on their Gund teddy bears for a few moments longer. Soft, damp days make me crave the aromas and rituals of preparing comfort food: buttered toast and hazelnut coffee for breakfast, beef barley soup and freshly baked basil bread from the bread maker, chicken pot pie and spice cake to finish the day. I tend to let our kids stay in their jammies all day: to attend formal tea parties of chocolate milk, goldfish crackers, and colored marshmallows; they each get a fuzzy blanket to snuggle with while we watch cartoons, all three of us smooshed on the rocking chair. We chase, torment, and wrestle with the dog until he is exhausted and begs to go sit outside, alone, in the rain. "Dreary" days like today are the best- even my worsening cold cannot dilute my enjoyment, it only gives me an excuse to indulge in an afternoon nap. Naps savoured under the umbrella of a grey day are amazing! A double whammy of satisfaction and rejuvenation. I had lofty goals for this week- to resume my plans to start jogging, to put a dent in my spring cleaning, and to venture into the basement and attempt to organize the hoards of stuff we store down there, but a grey Monday and a nagging cold have put those plans on hold. So instead, I enjoyed my rainy/snowy day to the fullest.

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